VendOr Evaluation

Vendor Evaluation is a useful tool for buyers to choose the correct suppliers during the sourcing phase. This Evaluation helps you to understand the capability and working conditions of the factory before taking business decisions.

Our team will assess the supplier in detail, which covers all requirements of Social and Ethical compliance as well as production capacities and capabilities in terms of specific product to be produce in that factory. Our reports are highly professional and mainly covers the below areas of evaluation.

  • Actual Location the factory.
  • Actual pictures and videos of different areas of factory.
  • Working conditions of over all labour.
  • Forced or Child labour check.
  • Female worker’s working condition and hours.
  • Compliance implementation against certifications.  
  • Factory’s production capacity.
  • Machinery, facilities, equipment & fixtures.
  • Manufacturing process and production lines.
  • Materials handling and storage.
  • Quality control practices and the effectiveness. 
  • Working conditions and environment.
  • Implementation of Labour laws.
  • Salaries and wages check.
  • Employees and Labour safety check.
  • Any other requirement by the customer can be counter checked.